My blog is about sustaining high performance. I view management as a science not an art form. Management should be done as part of an overall system or process with the expectation of sustained high performance as the output. Anything less than this output means the process is flawed and should be corrected. Managers are people working within the process with defined roles and accountabilities. Their work and their behaviors are also part of the system and therefore they have boundaries, but the freedom within these boundaries allows them to use their full capability and creativity to achieve results. Using our full capability and creativity to achieve a desired outcome is both rewarding and psychologically therapeutic, helping to build the cultural environment sought after by high achievers.


I will list my blog posts within one of several categories. Currently these categories are: Management for general comments about management matters; Mission and Strategies which will deal more with execution than strategy development; Organizational Structure for the importance subject of organizational design; Systems and Processes to discuss how to build and review systems; and finally (for now) Behaviors for a detailed analysis of the behaviors required to achieve accountability and alignment across the organization.

With this blog I hope to share my experiences and observations about the science of management. Many of my thoughts and opinions have been informed by the work of Dr. Elliot Jaques, a management scientist. I also want to acknowledge PeopleFit and PeopleFit  Australasia for contributing much to my understanding of management.





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